Abell Improvement Association
Abell Community Peace & Quiet Guidelines
Residents of the Abell Community are proud of their sense of neighborliness. The Abell Improvement Association (AIA) urges residents to abide by general community standards of peace and quiet. Certain actions are considered, by much discussion as well as by general consensus, to be “unacceptable behavior” in our neighborhood.
What constitutes unacceptable behavior? Here are some examples:
Loud, boisterous voices or music that disturbs neighbors. This may be associated with a large gathering of people, a “keg party,” or a parked car.
Drivers using car horns to get someone’s attention.
Dogs that bark loudly and excessively.
Any behavior that negatively affects the safety of residents, children, pets, or visitors.
What should we expect from our neighbors?
If you are expecting someone to pick you up, wait outside or ask them to call or to come to your door when they arrive. Explain in advance that they should not use their car horn to announce themselves.
Street or porch conversations should be held at a low, private level, especially in good weather when windows are open. A conversation on a back balcony or porch can sound like it's inside the next room.
General quiet should prevail during the nighttime hours. Quiet hours are 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. weeknights and midnight to 7 a.m. on weekends.
Baltimore's Neighborhood Nuisance Law
The Neighborhood Nuisance Law (Baltimore City Code, Article 19, Subtitle 43B) provides that, if police are called to a site in violation of the law, they can immediately write a civil citation similar to a speeding ticket. They can cite property owners, property managers, occupants, and/or tenants, and - if the responsible person is under 18 - that person and his/her parents - for a “loud and unruly party,” which is defined as two or more people on private property disturbing the peace through excessive noise, obstruction of public rights-of-way, physical violence, vandalism, littering, or public drunkenness. The law also covers under-age drinking and providing alcohol to individuals under 21.
The penalty for a first offense is $500; for each subsequent offense within 12 months, the penalty is $1000. Property owners or operators can defend against the fine if they can prove that they did not authorize, know about, or participate in the event and that they regained possession of the property or have filed court proceedings to regain possession. When tenants have been cited for violating the law, landlords can give 14 days’ written notice for tenants to vacate the premises.