Neighborhood safety walks will take a break for the remainder of fall and winter. Look for their return when warm weather is back in the Spring. Our first Spring walk is scheduled for Tuesday, March 17.
Our monthly safety walks aim to make our neighborhood safer by promoting the visibility of neighbors walking together as eyes and ears on the street, and by closely communicating with local law enforcement and security professionals. We note safety problems - illegal dumping, burned out street lights or trees blocking street lights, overgrown shrubbery, graffiti, abandoned vehicles, etc. - and report them to 311, and then forward complaint numbers to the CVCBD sanitation team. We follow up until complaints are resolved. If we observe suspicious activity, police officers patrolling with us or working in the area investigate.
Join us in the Spring when we resume our walks. We'll walk with Tony Brown, Safety Director of the Benefits District, and an officer from Northern District Police. The walks are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month beginning at 7:30 p.m. Meet in the Open Space on 32nd Street between Guilford and Abell. We gather at the conclusion for refreshments and conversation - locations are announced at the walk. All ages and pets are welcome!
Meet neighbors and find out what's going on in the community.
Get updates on recent crimes.
Voice your questions and concerns.
Do your part for a Safe and Strong Community.