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Call for food volunteers, Servsafe, and compassion for the Chambers Family (Volunteer Actions 5/23)

Abell and CV Mutual Aid

Happy Saturday Everyone,

Below is a list of 3(!) fantastic volunteer opportunities that we would like our volunteers to fulfill if they can, especially if you have not been matched with a neighbor yet or haven't been connected to another program yet. Do not feel like you need to do all of them, but please do at least one that suits your capacity and interest. Don't hesitate to ask the contact or us a question.

1) We are still looking for anyone that has a ServSafe Certification. This certification will be useful for our an ongoing collaboration to prepare&distribute food to seniors, people without the ability to cook groceries, and those vulnerable in our community. This certification is a food and beverage safety and sanitation training required by most restaurants as a basic credential for management staff. If you or someone you know have one of these certification AND you are interested in this ongoing project please contact us here at or Dre at More details to follow!

2) Food Distribution:A large donated food distribution operation is being organized by Baltimore Food Rescue, So What Else Baltimore, and 4MyCity. Our understanding is that through a large USDA grant and a large commercial food distributor they are getting a thousand or more pre-packed sorted produce boxes that are being distributed to sites and organizations around Baltimore. They need volunteers help with moving and loading pallets and boxes of food. The organizers could use more volunteer help throughout the week, both to move boxes and to do some less strenuous tasks.  Their email contact is

3) Rev Annie Chamber at the Douglas Homes. Our dear friend and comrade Rev. Annie Chambers and her family are grieving the loss of two family members that passed last week. Her brother died of covid-19 and her stepson was shot and killed on the same day. This is a tragic loss for their family and it is only compounded by the stress of figuring out how to pay for the funeral expenses of two family members at once. Rev Chambers is collecting funds until May 25th on gofundme. Please donate at that link if you can.

We appreciate every single one of you and feel so grateful for our community's fighting spirit.   If you would like to be added to the mailing list or join as a volunteer please fill out this quick google form. --

In Solidarity, Zach Margulies 732-803-0059 Abell & Charles Village Mutual Aid



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