Update 5/12: Victory!!! The Relief Act passed and the amendment was removed!! This amendment would allowed late fees and rent hikes established before the bill's enactment and after March 5th to be permitted. Great work everyone!
Hi all,
Council President Scott’s Renter Relief Act is on the City Council floor for a vote today at 5 PM! This is a good bill that would ban late fees and rent increases during the pandemic. We just got word that there is an amendment being introduced allowing Landlords to still charge late fees and increase the rent for March, April and May, IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC – WITH AN EVICTION CRISIS PENDING.
Please email and call your council president and city councilperson urging them to VOTE NO on this awful amendment, and post on facebook and twitter. See an example facebook and twitter post. Make sure to tag your city councilperson and city council president Brandon Scott.
Facebook: No landlord needs to charge late fees and increase the rent in the middle of a pandemic. Yet, we know that they are – even when renters have told their landlord that they’ve been laid off or had a COVID-19 medical issue. We’re moving toward 20% unemployment, and landlords are adding fuel to the eviction crisis when they charge late fees and increase the rent. An amendment to CB 20-0526 would allow landlords to charge late fees and increase the rent in March, April and May. Will you Vote “NO” on this awful amendment? Call @Council President Brandon M. Scott and your city councilperson to stop this amendment before it is too late!!! #NoPandemicLateFees #FuelOnEvictionFire #MdHousingRelief
Twitter: @CouncilPresBMS Please don't amend your Renter Relief Act to allow rent increases and late fees in March, April, and May. Renters are struggling so much as it is- we need support, not higher bills! Please help! #NoPandemicLateFees
Click here for more info
In Solidarity,
Zach Margulies
Abell & Charles Village Mutual Aid