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Private Security Services in Abell

The Safety Committee of AIA is chaired by Jim Rubarth-Lay ( He directs  AIA’s Neighborhood Walks, which occur on the third Tuesday of every month, March through September, weather permitting.

Primary responsibility for public safety rests with the Baltimore City Police Department. The BPD’s Northern District force of 120 officers is responsible for the Abell Community and 51 other neighborhoods. The Northern District Community Council (NDCC) meets every other month as a forum for residents and a channel by which the Major conveys information to the community. Northern District usually sends a Community Police Officer to join AIA’s Neighborhood Walks. 

Services provided by private security firms are described below, and their specific coverage is summarized in the document at this link.

Charles Village Benefits District (

Residents of the Charles Village Benefits District pay a surtax for sanitation and safety services beyond those supplied by the City. For deployment of safety personnel – directed by Ronald Brooks, – the CVCBD is divided into 3 zones. Surtax funds pay for security patrols in the zone that includes Abell. CVCBD has recently contracted with Wolfe Security.

CVCBD maintains phone contact with Northern District Police and Johns Hopkins Security. CVCBD has radios which connect with Johns Hopkins and Northern District. CVCBD sends email crime alerts to neighborhood associations as circumstances dictate and posts weekly summaries of crime in the Benefits District. Once a month, CVCBD convenes the Safety Advisory Council. It brings together neighborhood associations, Northern District Police, Johns Hopkins Security and other private and public agencies to review crime patterns, support the Court Watch program, and share concerns and ideas. CVCBD also supports the Abell Neighborhood Walkers program.


Johns Hopkins University Safety Services; AlliedUniversal Security (; 410 516-4600)

The primary mission of these security forces is to keep university students and employees safe. As they pursue this goal their presence may also be of help to ‟non-affiliate” residents. Safety Services may extend beyond their official patrol areas to better address crime patterns where Hopkins students and employees live.

Connections between AIA and Safety Organizations

The AIA sends representatives to the Northern District Community Council and the CVCBD Safety Advisory Council. If you are interested in attending these meetings, contact Jim Rubarth-Lay (, chair of the AIA Safety Committee. As noted above, CVCBD and Northern District take part in AIA’s Neighborhood Walks.

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