Abell Improvement Association
What We Do
The Abell Improvement Association fulfills our commitment to our community in several ways.
The AIA works to:
Improve the physical condition of our neighborhood by:
Maintaining and improving the Open Space and garden on 32nd Street
Enforcing the housing and sanitation codes on public and private property
Ensuring compliance with permit and license laws relative to the Liquor Board, zoning issues, etc.
Participating in cleanups at least twice each year
Identifying issues with street trees
Build on and foster our sense of neighborhood pride and community by:
Planning social events like the Annual Spring Picnic, New Year’s Eve Progressive Dinner, and Holiday Caroling
Honoring our neighborhood history through columns in the newsletter and story telling
Organizing an annual community street fair
Encouraging neighborliness and civil discourse by establishing Peace and Quiet Guidelines
Keep the neighborhood connected and well informed by:
Publishing a bi-monthly newsletter containing news, highlights, and events
Maintaining our website to provide information about the community and resources for the community
Making periodic announcements on the members e-mail list
Encouraging membership in the association
Ensure a positive presence and maintain safety by:
Organizing Neighborhood Walkers
Enlisting the involvement of the Baltimore City police, JHU Security, and CVCBD safety team in patrolling the area
Informing neighbors of incidents and giving safety tips
Promoting the installation of pedestrian-scale street lighting
Providing energy-efficient porch light bulbs
Improving the education of our children through partnership with the Barclay School by:
Helping to plan and solicit resources for physical improvements to the school building and grounds
Connecting the community with volunteer activities at the school
Other services:
Securing grants and other resources to reach our goals.