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What We Do

The Abell Improvement Association fulfills our commitment to our community in several ways.


The AIA works to:


Improve the physical condition of our neighborhood by:

  • Maintaining and improving the Open Space and garden on 32nd Street

  • Enforcing the housing and sanitation codes on public and private property

  • Ensuring compliance with permit and license laws relative to the Liquor Board, zoning issues, etc.

  • Participating in cleanups at least twice each year

  • Identifying issues with street trees 

Build on and foster our sense of neighborhood pride and community by:

  • Planning social events like the Annual Spring Picnic, New Year’s Eve Progressive Dinner, and Holiday Caroling

  • Honoring our neighborhood history through columns in the newsletter and story telling

  • Organizing an annual community street fair

  • Encouraging neighborliness and civil discourse by establishing Peace and Quiet Guidelines


Keep the neighborhood connected and well informed by:

  • Publishing a bi-monthly newsletter containing news, highlights, and events

  • Maintaining our website to provide information about the community and resources for the community

  • Making periodic announcements on the members e-mail list

  • Encouraging membership in the association

Ensure a positive presence and maintain safety by:

  • Organizing Neighborhood Walkers

  • Enlisting the involvement of the Baltimore City police, JHU Security, and CVCBD safety team in patrolling the area

  • Informing neighbors of incidents and giving safety tips

  • Promoting the installation of pedestrian-scale street lighting

  • Providing energy-efficient porch light bulbs

Improving the education of our children through partnership with the Barclay School by:

  • Helping to plan and solicit resources for physical improvements to the school building and grounds

  • Connecting the community with volunteer activities at the school

Other services:

  • Securing grants and other resources to reach our goals.


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